Sunday, May 15, 2016

10 Reasons why Trans Men might not be more Comfortable in a Women's Restroom

1. You need to have a friend to go with...always.

You don't just go to the restroom alone. Like, ever. You need one of your girls to go with you.

2. The lines.

Oh, the lines. They are always there.

3. The LINES.

They always take forever. Especially when you really have to go.



5. Scary toilet seats.

Real women sit down to pee. And when you encounter something like this, you suddenly become very concerned about which surface your tush touches.

6. Broken bathroom stalls.

If you didn't bring one of your friends (like you were supposed to) to hold the door, you have to wait longer for a stall that closes; or, figure out a way to hold it closed yourself (good luck)

7. Missing purse hangers.

You do not, I repeat, DO NOT want to put your purse on the nasty bathroom floor. Do you know how many germs the bottom of your purse collects??

8. Toilets that don't flush.

Because then you have to tell the person going into the stall after you (and there will be someone, because there are always lines) that you didn't forget to flush the toilet, it's just that the toilet doesn't flush very well. It's not your fault. So they can't blame you for it.

9. Mirrors.

You thought you looked just fine until you caught a glimpse of yourself. Why didn't your friends tell you that your hair looked like it had been through an F-3 tornado? Or that your mascara was starting to flake off and make you look like a melting witch?

10. Small, overflowing trashcans.

Tampons don't flush well. You're expected to know that, and to dispose of it properly. If you haven't noticed, there is a little trashcan by the toilet paper in the stall that you may use - just hold your nose before you open it.

I hope you have a good idea now why using the women's restroom might not be more "comfortable" after all. Honestly, sticking with the guys just saves a lot of time.

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