Monday, July 20, 2015

The Alternative to You is Nothing

“Now I know why women need sports bras”
If I didn’t know who said this when I first heard it, I would guess it came from a thirteen-year-old girl who was still “becoming a woman”. However, those words came from the mouth of Bruce Jenner, who is not a teenage girl, but a middle-aged man. He is not “becoming a woman” as the media would have you believe, but he is pretending to take on the identity of a woman. His pretense is as transparent as it is offensive. “Now I know why women need sports bras,” tells me that Bruce Jenner doesn’t know the first thing about being a woman. He can give himself a female name, massacre his genitalia, tromp around in high heels and wear tight clothes to reveal his implants, but he will never have the identity of a woman.

The problem with transgender ideology (not to mention “gender theory” as a whole) proclaiming that gender can be altered by a simple surgical procedure (or how you “feel”) is their reductionist concept of traditional male and female identities. This is due in part, to how we see men and women portrayed on a daily basis. Mass media, for example, would have you believe that being a woman is all about the clothes you wear, the products you buy, and the yoga classes you attend. But womanhood is not merely materialistic femininity. We need to take a closer look, and ask ourselves what it means to have the mind of a woman, the heart of a woman, and the will of a woman. When we begin to understand these things, then we are discovering the essence of feminine sexuality. The same thing can be said about men. They cannot be reduced to the jokes they tell, the way they behave, and the jobs they hold. Men and women have completely different (while complementary) identities, and they ought to be respected as something deeper than what we can perceive through the five senses. When we understand the truth of our sexuality, we realize that we cannot attempt to change our gender without changing our level of existence as a whole.

God created each one of us, out of nothing, as unique individuals. No matter how much “rebirth” is passed around, the truth is that there has never been anyone like you, nor will there ever be. Furthermore, God loved you into existence – not Bob Alou, your imaginary friend. Your life is so precious, because you were given the gift of existence. You were one of the chosen few that were drawn forth from not-being into being; and you were given a body, and a name. God made you in his image and likeness, but also gave you individuality. You have had your own identity since conception – an identity that you alone possess. We have seen, through the actions of transsexuals, that you can strip yourself of some of your identity. Men who surgically alter their sexual organs cannot really be called women, but neither are they still fully men – hence the term “it” that has so long been applied to transsexuals. When you strip yourself of your sexuality, you throw away a fundamental part of your identity that makes you a reality.  You begin to lose yourself, and you take a step back into the nothing that you came from. This is why a man cannot become a woman, and a woman cannot become a man: because the alternative to “you” is not “someone else”, but nothing at all.

“Be who God meant you to be, and you will set the world on fire.” –St. Catherine of Siena

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